
The parliament members offer to reduce a number of judges in the country. Kanybek Imanaliev announced today at a meeting of the Parliamentary Committee on International Affairs, Defense and Security.…


Government of Kyrgyzstan over the weekend prepared conclusion on the draft law “On the appointment of the referendum.” On Friday, September 23, on the site of the Parliament appeared a…


Collection of signatures against the referendum to amend the Constitution and for the dissolution of Parliament started in Kyrgyzstan. The initiator is “Say no to referendum!” movement. According to the…


В редакцию газеты Res Publica поступил документ, где расписана хронология процесса принятия Закона о назначении референдума по Закону КР “О внесении изменений в Конституцию Кыргызской Республики. На все про все…


По новой Конституции за безупречностью работы судей будет следить дисциплинарная комиссия при Совете судей Согласно предлагаемым поправкам в Конституцию, в случае нарушения судьями требований безупречности, служители Фемиды будут освобождаться от…


Dinara Oshurakhunova: Even Akayev and Bakiyev did not set sights on human rights section of Constitution “Even Akayev and Bakiyev did not set sights on a section of the Constitution…


“The introduced amendments to the Constitution will help to ensure that power is not concentrated in the same hands,” the Head of the Department of Constitutional and Municipal Law of…


Today, news agency hosts a round table discussion “Constitution of the Kyrgyz Republic: without right to development?” The discussion is attended by government officials, in particular the representatives of the head…


“Parliament adopted an unconstitutional law in field of land use,” the head of “Our Right” NGO Kalicha Umuraliyeva stated to news agency during a rally. According to her, there…


“I support the amendments to the Constitution and the referendum,” member of the parliamentary faction of the Social Democratic Party Marat Amankulov said today at a roundtable discussion. According to…